Key Terms
Coruscant: Coruscant is the planet responsible for housing the Galactic Republic and the temple of the Jedi Order. The planet is entirely made up of a floating city.
Geonosis: Serving as the original capital for the Confederation of Independent Star Systems, many of the droid foundries operated and assisted in the massive buildup of droids that were integral in the establishment and success of the Confederacy.
Kamino: Kamino is the origin planet of the clone troopers who serve in the Army of the Grand Republic. Kamino is the planet responsible for the upkeep, development, and training of the clones.
Mandalore: Mandalore, a planet once known for its fierce fighting force, is a planet that prides itself upon its very neutral stance that has been taken throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
Cato Neimoidia - It was a world of the Neimoidians and the capital of its own planetary government. Cato Neimoidia was also the headquarters of the Trade Federation.
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