Rules of Procedure
For this document, the following aliases shall be used
GR: refers to the Galactic Republic
CIS: refers to the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Cabinet leaders: refers to the Supreme Chancellor of the GR and the Head of State of the CIS
Meetings of the Galactic Senate will be held at a time designated by the Office of the Chancellor.
Meetings of the Galactic Senate will be held in the Tevfik Ileri Anatolian Religious High School.
The preliminary agenda for the meeting is set by the Office of the Chancellor before the first session and the agenda is Clone Wars.
Each character shall be represented by one person.
Cabinet Leaders
The Supreme Chancellor of the GR shall open the first meeting of the assembly.
In the absence of the cabinet leaders, the Vice Chair shall serve as the temporary leader.
In addition to exercising, the powers conferred upon him elsewhere by these rules and the powers of the vice chair, the Cabinet Leaders shall preside at the meetings of the Galactic Senate, propose the adjournment, and/or the suspension of the debate. direct the discussion, directly pass motions, join in debates, put motions to the vote, propose the closure of the list of speakers, decide on the times allocated for the opening speeches, and alter the durations of motions.
If the cabinet leaders find it necessary to be absent from a meeting or any part thereof, he shall designate the Vice Chair to take his place.
If a representative shows inappropriate behavior, the Cabinet leaders hold the power to take the representative out of the meeting.
Vice Chair
In addition to exercising, the powers conferred upon him elsewhere by these rules, the Vice Chair shall ensure the observance of rules, declare the opening and closing of each session, accord the right to speak, promote general agreement, act as the spokesperson of the Supreme Chancellor, announce decisions, and inform the committee of the current status of the events.
Voting Status of the Executive Officers
The cabinet leaders and if present, the Vice Chair shall not vote in the committee.
The cabinet leaders may permit the debate to proceed when the members of at least one-third of the allocated participating in the work of the assembly are present. This number of present members shall be required for any decision to be taken.
Representatives should give their motions after the chairboard's call for the opening of the floor.
After the floor is open points have the top priority in the order.
Representatives should give their motion after gaining the chairboard's recognition by raising their placards.
If there is more than one motion, the motion stated with a longer time range than the other motions shall be voted first.
A motion requires a second and no objections to pass. If there is an objection the chairboard will have a procedural voting.
The chairboard preserves every right to grant motions without going for voting and limiting the time for the motions.
A motion sentence may be structured like the following: "Motion to talk about ___ in moderated/unmoderated caucus for ___ minutes, individual speaker time being ___ minutes.".
Motion to adjourn the meeting
This motion may be raised to suspend all the activities of the body until the next ILERIMUN conference and requires a two-thirds majority to pass.
Motion to suspend the meeting
This motion may be raised to Suspend the Meeting in order to suspend all functions of the body until the next meeting.
Motion to close the debate
A representative may at any time move to the closure of the debate. In addition to the proposer of the motion, permission to speak on the motion shall be accorded only to one representative in favor and to one opposing the adjournment, after which the motion shall, subject to the order of motions, be immediately put to the vote.
This motion may be overruled by the chairboard.
Motion to extend the caucus
This motion may only be raised during a caucus to extend its total duration.
Motion to terminate the caucus
This motion may be raised during a caucus unless there is already an entertained speaker for the related motion at that particular moment.
Order of Motions
The motions below shall have precedence in the following order over all other motions before the meeting:
To suspend the meeting;
To adjourn the meeting;
To close the debate.
1. Point of Personal Privilege
Whenever a representative experiences personal discomfort, he or she may raise this point to request the discomfort to be corrected. This point may only interrupt a speaker if the speaking representative is inaudible.
2. Point of Order
If there are any concerns about the application of the rules of procedure in the committee this point may be raised. This point may never interrupt a speaker.
3. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
When the floor is open, this point may be raised in order to ask a question regarding the rules of procedure. This point may never interrupt a speaker.
4. Point of Information
Any kinds of questions that cannot be obtained by the other points may be asked as a point of information when the floor is open. This may never interrupt a speaker.
The time given for a caucus cannot exceed 20 minutes.
Caucuses cannot be given an extension that is longer than the original caucus's duration
Representatives cannot give extension to extension.
Caucuses may be terminated with the chairboard's consent.
The first caucus of each session shall be moderated.
The individual speaker time should be stated for a moderated caucus.
There are two types of caucuses:
Moderated Caucus
Unmoderated Caucus
Semi-Moderated Caucus
Reconsideration of Rejected Motions
If the Committee decides on the passing of thereof motion, with a two-thirds majority of the representatives present in a roll-call vote, it shall be reintroduced to the committee, with the permission of the Supreme Chancellor.
Position Papers
Position papers, summarizing the representatives' position in the given agenda shall be sent to the specified officer, prior to the start of the Committee.
General Agreement
The Committee shall make its best endeavors to ensure that a general agreement is achieved on the work of the committee.
Voting Rights
Each representative participating shall have one vote.
Meaning of the Phrase "Representative Present and Voting"
"Present and voting" means that the representative is present and will be casting an affirmative or negative vote. Present and voting representatives shall not abstain.
Procedural Voting
Voting on any matter other than draft resolutions and amendments is considered procedural. Abstentions shall not be allowed. A simple majority is required for the voting to be successful. Every member present must vote. If the number of votes cast does not equal the number of members present, the chair board shall take the vote repetitively until every member has used their vote.
Conduct During Voting
After the cabinet leaders start the voting procedure, no representative shall interrupt the voting except for a point of order concerning the process of voting. The only time where a message paper be sent in an official session is during the roll-call voting procedure.
Opening Ceremony
The committee shall start with the speech of the Supreme Chancellor, where the following shall be announced:
The current state of the Clone Wars and other related events.
Roll Call
After the opening ceremony, the Committee shall continue with the roll call, in which the executive officers shall call the representatives' names, in the English alphabetical order. When announced, the representative shall declare him/herself as "present" or, "present and voting". Any representative not replying shall be noted as absent. If an absent representative, sends a message paper specifying his position as thereof options, the executive officers shall record him/her the way s/he has specified.
Opening Speeches and the Opening of the Debate
After the role call, opening speeches from each representative shall be taken for 90 seconds. This duration can be altered by the cabinet leaders.
Immediately after the last opening speech, the opening of the debate shall be voted on. With its passage, the floor shall be declared open for any points or motions. If failed, the vote shall be repeated until passing.
Opening speeches of the representatives who were late and came after the opening of the debate, shall not be entertained.
This committee may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary.
A representative may speak in a language other than the language of the Committee if the delegation concerned provides for interpretation into one such language.
Personal Directive
A personal directive should answer the questions of where, when, what, who, and how.
This directive should be written clearly.
A personal directive can only be written with the powers that the character has in the cabinet.
Before sending it to the crisis team, the character should sign the directive and obtain permission from the chair.
Joint Directive
A joint directive should answer the questions of where, when, what, who, and how.
This directive should be written clearly.
A joint directive can only be written with the powers that the characters involved with the directive have in the cabinet.
Before sending it to the crisis team, the characters contributing to the directive should sign the directive and obtain permission from the chair.
Time and date should be written on the directives' first page
Committee Directive
A committee directive should answer the questions of where, when, what, who, and how.
This directive should be written clearly.
A committee directive can only be written with the powers that the committee has.
Before sending it to the crisis team, the committee should sign the directive and obtain permission from the chair.
Time and date should be written on the directives' first page
Press Releases
Depending on the severity of the crisis, one or more representatives may issue press releases.
Press releases should state their purpose clearly.
The characters involved in the press release should sign it and obtain permission from the chair before sending it to the crisis team.
The press release should include the time and date.
Information Directives
One or more representatives can send this type of directive to obtain any type of information.
Only intelligence within their powers can be obtained by the representatives sending this directive.
The character or characters should sign the directive and obtain permission from the chair before sending it to the crisis team.
The time and date should be written on the first page of the directive.
Top Secret Directives
A top-secret directive should provide answers to the following questions: where, when, what, who, and how.
This directive should be written clearly and concisely.
This type of directive may be sent directly to the crisis team without the approval of the cabinet leaders.
One or more characters can write this directive.
The time and date should be written on the first page of the directive.
A top secret directive can only be written with the powers that the cabinet characters involved with the directive have.
Languages of Official Documents
Official documents shall be written in the official language of the Committee.
Last updated