Sheev Palpatine: Sheev Palpatine was a powerful human male who served as the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Before being elected for this position, Sheev Palpatine served as the senator of Naboo, the planet where he was born. He replaced his precursor, Finis Valorum, in a vote of no confidence, which was raised by Jar Jar Binks, as the Republic took no useful action against the blockade of Naboo. After the start of the Clone Wars, Chancellor Palpatine gained emergency powers, making him one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the known universe.
Anakin Skywalker: Anakin Skywalker was a legendary Force-sensitive human male who was a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force. Skywalker served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, commanding the clone troopers of the elite 501st Legion against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After receiving his knighthood, Skywalker oversaw the Jedi training of his own apprentice, Ahsoka Tano.
Wullf Yularen: Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Yularen served in the Galactic Republic Navy and ascended to the rank of Admiral. A by-the-book officer, Yularen was assigned to work with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Though Skywalker was brash and reckless in contrast to Yularen's crisp nature, the two overcame an initially rocky relationship and successfully combated the Confederacy in several battles throughout the war. The Resolute, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, served as Skywalker and Yularen's flagship. Yularen served as the ship's captain, as well as the commander of any fleet group the Resolute was a part of.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was a legendary Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Republic Era. With the advent of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Kenobi adopted the military rank of High Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic, and was given command of the Open Circle Fleet, the Third Systems Army, and the 7th Sky Corps. Clone Marshal Commander CC-2224 "Cody" served as his second-in-command throughout the galaxy-wide conflict, with their forces achieving multiple victories over the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Commander Cody: Cody, formerly designated CC-2224, was a male Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic who commanded the 7th Sky Corps—including its renowned subunit the 212th Attack Battalion—during the Clone Wars. He served as the second-in-command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi within the Third Systems Army and the 7th Sky Corps. General Kenobi found the commander to be reliable, trustworthy and loyal, with his abilities as a soldier and strategist earning Cody the respect of both his Jedi superiors and fellow clone troopers.
Mace Windu: Mace Windu was a revered Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Republic Era. During his time in the Jedi Order, he once served as elected leader of the Jedi. When the Separatist Crisis spawned the birth of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and sparked the Clone Wars, Windu and the Jedi rallied to the defense of the Republic and became the leaders of the Grand Army of the Republic. Throughout the war, Windu served the Jedi and the Republic in various capacities—on the battlefield in command of the 187th Legion, on Coruscant as an overseer of the war effort and an advisor to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, and even as a diplomat to contested worlds, despite his disdain of politics. His exploits on the frontline served as a reminder of his reputation as a renowned Jedi warrior.
Plo Koon: Plo Koon was a Force-sensitive Kel Dor Jedi Master who served as a noble member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Now a Jedi General, Koon was given command of the 104th Battalion, also called the Wolf Pack Battalion, which also earned him command of the Wolfpack squad subunit and the callsign of Wolf Leader for starfighter operations. In the early stages of the war, Koon and Clone Commander CC-3636 "Wolffe" led a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers from his flagship Triumphant.
Commander Wolffe: Wolffe, formerly designated CC-3636, was a veteran Clone Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic who served with Jedi General Plo Koon during the Clone Wars. The leader of the 104th Battalion's famed Wolfpack squad, Commander Wolffe proved to be tireless in his efforts against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, displaying an affinity for strategy. On his first mission with Koon, Wolffe served on board the Jedi Master's flagship, the Triumphant, when Koon led a task force to eliminate the Separatist warship Malevolence.
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Force-sensitive Cerean male Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the last decades of the Galactic Republic. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars after the First Battle of Geonosis, Mundi became a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic commanding the 21st Nova Corps.
Shaak Ti: Shaak Ti was a Force-sensitive Togruta female Jedi Master who served as one of the final members of the Jedi High Council. Early in the Clone Wars, Ti was chosen by the Jedi Council to represent the Republic on Kamino, where she personally oversaw the training and development of clone forces on the planet. While in this role, she acted as a close mentor and protector to the clone army, additionally serving as the commanding officer of the garrison stationed in the world. Her compassion for the clones clashed with the Kaminoan’s cold view of them as products, and for much of her time on Kamino, Ti had a strained relationship with the Kaminoan government.
Kit Fisto: Kit Fisto was a Force-sensitive Nautolan male Jedi Master. Fisto was known as an expert swordsman, possessing some of the finest dueling skills in the Jedi Order. A celebrated fighter, Fisto served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Gial Ackbar: Gial Ackbar was a male Mon Calamari soldier and strong revolutionary leader during the Clone Wars. Ackbar hailed from the planet Mon Cala and served as the captain of the Mon Calamari Guard. During the Clone Wars, Ackbar fought in the Battle of Mon Cala, in which he helped to secure Prince Lee-Char's ascent as King of Mon Cala and repel the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Wilhuff Tarkin: When the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, Tarkin joined the Republic Military and became a captain in the Republic Navy. Tarkin served alongside the Republic's new army of clone troopers but came to look down on them. In particular, he was concerned about the level of individuality they adopted under the guidance of the Jedi. He also came to dislike the Jedi Order's role in leading the military due to the Order's code not pushing them to take as drastic action as he would. He was later promoted to the rank of Admiral.
Count Dooku: Count Dooku was a Force-sensitive Serennian human male, who led the Confederacy of Independent Systems since the first day of its establishment. A political idealist, the corruption in the Galactic Senate—as well as the traditions of the Jedi—disillusioned him, causing Dooku to leave the Order and take the name “Darth Tyrannus”. After leaving the Jedi Order, he served as Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. As an expert in the second form of lightsaber combat, Makashi, he used a lightsaber with a curved hilt and preferred using his saber over the force, whenever possible.
General Grievous: Grievous was a Kaleesh male warlord who served within the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a commanding officer during the Clone Wars. In addition to his position as a general within the Separatist Droid Army, he held the title of Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies throughout the duration of the war. Recognized for his ruthless tactics and extensive cybernetic enhancements, Grievous utilized the Separatist Droid Army and his adept combat skills to instill fear throughout the galaxy as he traveled to and invaded planets. Grievous had wreaked havoc through the Republic armies and was regarded as unstoppable, and he was most certainly personally responsible for the deaths of more Jedi during the war than anybody else.
Mar Tuuk: Mar Tuuk was a male Neimoidian who bore the rank of captain in the Confederacy of Independent Systems' naval branch during the Clone Wars. Tuuk was charged with overseeing a Separatist blockade over the besieged world of Ryloth in the first year of the war, following his triumph over the Galactic Republic's relief supply fleet commanded by Admiral Dao. Later, in 21 BBY, commanding from a Lucrehulk-class Battleship, the Neimoidian's fleet of Munificent-class star frigates was assaulted in an expected attack by a Republic task force led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker—whom Tuuk had held respect for as a military officer—who was dispatched with orders to breach Tuuk's blockade in order for the Republic to liberate the Twi'lek homeworld.
Asajj Ventress: As a high-ranking officer in the Separatist military, Ventress fought for the Confederacy on the battlefields of the Clone Wars after its beginning. Her brutality and ruthlessness in battle against the clone armies of the Republic and Jedi Order garnered her a fearsome reputation. Ventress also became familiar with two Jedi adversaries early in the war—the human Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. First meeting them during the mission to Cato Neimoidia, the two were considered some of the Republic's greatest heroes and Ventress came to savor opportunities to trade verbal barbs with Kenobi and saber strikes with Skywalker. Her actions during the war constituted war crimes according to Republic law, and she became a wanted figure by both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order.
Poggle The Lesser: Archduke Poggle the Lesser was the public leader of the Geonosians during the Clone Wars. The Archduke was a warlord and commanded the droid armies that fought against the Republic during the first and second battles of Geonosis.
Wat Tambor: Wat Tambor was a male Skakoan who was the foreman of the Techno Union. During the Separatist Crisis, he pledged the Techno Union's resources to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, earning himself a seat on the Separatist Council during the Clone Wars. In the conflict's early stages, Tambor was appointed Emir of Ryloth and supervised its occupation by the Separatists, which was fiercely resisted by local Twi'lek freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla.
Durge: Durge was a fearsome male Gen'Dai bounty hunter who was active during the Clone Wars and Imperial Era. Durge was involved in the war by working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic. He got the title of being unkillable after battling many Jedi and clone troopers. He was a feared legend and being given the rank of commander, he performed several key missions for Count Dooku himself and led droid forces in combat on more than one occasion.
Nute Gunray: Nute Gunray was a Neimoidian male business magnate who served as the Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
Riff Tamson: Tamson served as a commander and warlord for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and was placed in charge of operations on aquatic planets such as Mon Cala.
Whorm Loathsom: Whorm Loathsom was a general for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. After winning several victories, he became a legend throughout the Core Worlds and the Inner Core. Despite believing enemies deserved respect, he regarded clone troopers as disposable tools and was willing to target non-combatants.
Osi Sobeck: Osi Sobeck served the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a commandant during the Clone Wars. As warden of the Citadel on the planet Lola Sayu, Sobeck was in command of a prison designed to hold fallen Jedi.
Admiral Trench: Trench was a key officer in the navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. From the dreadnought Invincible, he oversaw the Confederate blockade of Christophsis, which brought him into conflict with a Republic battle group led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker along with an old foe, Admiral Wullf Yularen.
Lok Durd: Lok Durd was a Neimoidian male, who was both an arms developer and a general who served the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Durd has developed a defoliator that would diminish all the organic matter while leaving the droid army unaffected. During the testing of this weapon on a colony of Lurmen, he was captured by Anakin Skywalker. In this committee, he will be assumed uncaptured, and still a part of the separatist army.
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