The Republic
DC-17 Hand Blaster: The weapon was one of the most reliable and toughest models of blaster pistols created, as well as having remarkable stopping power in its small design. The weapon was also well-balanced, possessed a respectable rate of fire, and was lightweight. Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex," a notable clone trooper officer who served in the elite 501st Legion, preferred to use two DC-17s at once.
DC-15A Blaster Rifle: The DC-15A blaster rifle was a heavy blaster rifle that was one of the standard-issue weapons in the Grand Army of the Republic, during the Clone Wars.
DC-15A Blaster Carbine: The DC-15A blaster carbine had the same shot capacity as the DC-15A blaster rifle, but a shorter range
The 773 Firepuncher Rifle: The 773 Firepuncher rifle, also known as the 773 Firepuncher, was a model of sniper rifle manufactured by Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. that featured ablative coating and a wide-beam "burning" mode.
The DC-12U Beam Rifle: The DC-12U beam rifle, also known as the SCUBA trooper rifle, was a specialized blaster rifle that could operate underwater. It was a double-barreled blaster that came equipped with a flashlight attachment to provide visibility in dark ocean depths. During the Battle of Mon Cala, a detachment of clone SCUBA troopers was equipped with these rifles.
Class-A Thermal Detonator: Thermal detonators were palm-sized, spherical devices that were used as extremely deadly explosive weapons.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Grenade: An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) grenade, also called a droid popper, was a type of grenade that utilized electromagnetic emissions. They could be used to disable a battle droid's circuits or to incapacitate humans.
RPS-6 Rocket Launcher: The RPS-6 rocket launcher was relatively lightweight and easily transportable, and was ideal for mobile infantry units. Its aiming system could be connected to a clone trooper's helmet heads-up display, and each rocket launcher came equipped with a magazine of six small, yet powerful missiles. The launcher was also able to fire homing missiles or incendiary missiles.
M8 Combat Knife: The M8 Combat Knife was issued to every clone trooper within the Galactic Republic's clone army as a simple melee weapon. The knife also gained wide renown for its uses as both a weapon and a tool. Its handle was constructed from flat, black polycarbonate from a textured material for extra grip and comfort, and was based on another Merr-Sonn product, the Treppus-2 vibroknife.
Ascension Gun: An ascension gun was a blaster weapon that was also able to fire a grappling hook attached to a tether, allowing the wielder to cross a horizontal gap or make a vertical climb. Firing the ascension hook could also be used as a weapon.
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